A downloadable mod

Scuffed Winter

Changes the texture of a lot of terrain grass, dirt roads, craters, foliage, and devastated no mans land to snow or plowed snow. much more pleasant to look at than PTSD dirt.

Bugs: some grass and ferns are still colored

Probably not compatible with road lines mod

Scuffed Grass

Much more of an overhaul. Brightens up many textures, and sets snow and devastation to a grass texture. Still a work in progress. Many town textures such as roofs, ghouse wallpapers, floors, foundations, and T2 wood all brightened from a dark and low saturation to brighter colors.


War-WindowsNoEditor_test-SnowGrass6.pak 46 MB
War-WindowsNoEditor_ScuffedGrass_02.pak 130 MB

Install instructions

Place .pak file in \steamapps\common\Foxhole\War\Content\Paks

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